Sunday, February 13, 2011

lots to think about...

with the coming baby, we have to make lots of decision...bnyk benda nak di la, bukan kah semua mama n ayah nak yg terbaik untuk anak2 nyer...

first of all, when dilla yg we have baby on the way, dilla berazam nak, i started read a lot of article about breastfeeding and breastpump. i've google lots of blogs and websites to search for best breastpump...boleh dikatakan hari2lah dilla baca article about breastfeeding. paling best ikut forum kat banyak info yg berguna tuk plan dilla for breastfeeding. skrg dilla dah beli a set of brestpump.. antara breastpump yg ada di pasaran adalah medela, spectra, avent, mebby, bean, pureen and first year. bnyk lagi, tp kat malaysia nie agak terhad la..boleh survey kat blog2...beli online pun boleh, tp kena berhati2...klu nak survey, boleh g sogo, jusco, kedai2 yg jual barang2 baby...merata2 la..

tips to buy breastpump:
1. kite kena decide, nak beli yg manual atau electric, double atau single pump;

2. better beli yg "hospital brand" maksudnya, digunakan di hospital2;
3. tahu budget kite. xsemestinya murah xelok, dan xsemestinya mahal bagus good quality come with the price;

4. sebelum decide, baca review ttg breastpump and pengalaman org2 terdekat...

last month, dilla berkesempatan g Junior & Baby Fair kat Midvally, and dilla berkesempatan jumpa ngan Pn Farah from sarakids. com. pengasas website yg menjual barangan bayi online. seronok berbual ngan pn farah nie..bnyk info yg dia cerita ngan dilla n kerol.
klu nak full breastfeed nie, kena ada support from org2 terdekat especially hubby...hubby memainkan peranan penting dalam process breastfeed nie...first 6 month is the most crucial time..for exclusive breastfeeding.
after several months of survey and reading, dilla decided to buy spectra 3 (full set with thermal bag, 3 ice packs, 8 bottles of stylo bottle, pump for double pump and bag). de warranty for 1 year...
harapan kami semoga baby kami nnt akan dapat menikmati khasiat susu ibu dan dilla berharap dapat menyusukan baby kami sehingga berumur 2 tahun....
these are some pics of breastpump....
spectra 3




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